
The Finale

Hey everyone! I knew this day would come but I didn't expect this semester to go by this fast. If I am being completely honest, at the beginning of the semester when I found out that I was going to have to be writing these blogs I was dreading it sooooooooooooooooooo much haha. I am just not the best writer and just the thought of having to do that much writing really did not sound enticing to me haha. But, I am so glad that I stuck with it because if I could go back and do it again I would totally do it again. But, throughout this class I have learned so much and I love pretty much everything that I have learned so it has been super beneficial. I went out of town a couple weekends ago and a couple went with us, let's call them Gertrude and Shawn. So, they were going through a rough patch you could say and they were just not really getting along and they were separated from each other and he asked me to talk and he is one of my best friends so I said of course so we went to the

Week 11

Ahhhhhhhhhh everyone, this is my last week of class and I am kind of very sad that this semester is ending. I have met so many amazing people up here this semester and it honestly has made it so amazing. I am definitely going to miss this while I am home for the break. It is kind of strange to me to have so many people that I love so much and know that they love and care about me too and people that would do anything I asked for me and genuinely care. I have had many good friends in my life but it was a smaller amount and so having a big group is so awesome. This week in class we learned that people who are experiencing a lack in the contacts such as, physical contact, eye contact, and really any type of contact that is necessary for a person, it makes it so that person becomes obnoxious or just really does anything to try and receive that contact because a lot of times we reach out in weird ways when we don't know what we're needing and where we're lacking those things our

Week 10

GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Thanksgiving was this week! It was so amazing, and I am so grateful that I was able to spend it with my family! I was able to go to a couple of my friends thanksgiving get together and I know I have said this before but it just amazes me every time to see how different and unique each family handles the holidays and seeing those different family dynamics. it is also super fun to be a part of my friends’ families and be considered a family member because it truly feels amazing but also brings in so much support that you don't realize you need until you need it. One of my best friends, roommate, and have known since high school and I drove down to Salt Lake City, Utah and flew home to Arizona from there so it was super awesome. I was really thinking about how men are portrayed on TV shows, movies and such and it really got me thinking about how they really have this terrible reputation. Not in all shows of course, but a lot of them, men are seen as dumb, always wor

Week 9

  Hey guys!!! This week has been pretty amazing. This weekend I got invited to go to one of my friends’ house that lives about 2 hours south of the part of Idaho that I am living in right now. As I have been here, I have really gotten to realize how different family traditions are. I was talking to my friend, and we were talking about the family traditions we have, and we were talking about how some of them and we thought that they were going to pretty much be the same but when I came to her house this weekend and they had the same idea but were just completely different. Which is so interesting which is kind of expected that they would not be the same but when you think about something, well at least I do, when I think of things, I tend to think of them the way that I know them as, so it is so strange to see them done differently. One of the best things that I have been told was “Expectations are resentment in the making”. I absolutely love this because it is so true, I feel like I te

Week 8

So much has happened this week! Thanksgiving is in like two weeks!!!!!!! isn't that so crazy?? I am so excited to be able to see my family and spend some time with them over that holiday weekend! my roommate who is also from Arizona, we decided that we are going to drive the full 13 hours home for Thanksgiving which I am super excited about but I'm also kindof dreading it because the thought of just taking a quick two hour flight sounds way more enticing but getting this time to bond more with my roommate who is also my best friend so spending time with her is always a good time but I'm very excited to go home! it also snowed so much here in Idaho this week which is so exciting because snow is just so magical and it's just so beautiful even though it's so cold I love it so much. I was told this week by someone that complaining was the adult way of crying. I was told to REALLY think about this. As I really pondered about it, I really learned how this is so true. I th

Week 7

Hey everyone, this week has been soooooooo crazy. Just like crazy with emotions, thankfully I am getting to spend the weekend with some family. I have really been thinking a lot about families and what I am wanting for my future. Not even like a future boyfriend but also a husband, career, and family. There are just so many things that you truly don't really know about a person, which is so scary. As I have said before my parents got divorced at a very young age (separated at age four and then officially divorced when I was 5) so it made it so I can't really remember much from that time which actually is probably a blessing but it could be one of those psychological things where the brain tries to protect itself from those memories. It is so crazy that the brain is able to do something like that. But, I have been seeing so many of my friends and people that I know from high school getting married right now and I am from Arizona so think it is especially because the weather is s

Week 6

Hey guys, the semester is almost half over!! That is so crazy! Up here in Idaho we just had the first snow of the year. Which for an Arizona girl, it was absolutely amazing to see the snow fall. It is just so magical. I am excited to see what this transition from fall to winter has in store for me. I have been thinking a lot about dating lately, just thinking about how it would be a good decision to take a break but honestly maybe I shouldn't and I should start to ask guys on dates. This week I also got to learn about the different types of love. The four that I learned about were storge, eros, philia, agape. With storge love that is the kind of love that you have with your parents, only the love that a parent would have. Eros love is a more romantic kind of love, the kind that you would have with a significant other. Philia is a friendship kind of love, when asked "what is a friendship love?" what do you think of? I think of a friend that would do anything I asked of the