Week 6

Hey guys, the semester is almost half over!! That is so crazy! Up here in Idaho we just had the first snow of the year. Which for an Arizona girl, it was absolutely amazing to see the snow fall. It is just so magical. I am excited to see what this transition from fall to winter has in store for me. I have been thinking a lot about dating lately, just thinking about how it would be a good decision to take a break but honestly maybe I shouldn't and I should start to ask guys on dates. This week I also got to learn about the different types of love. The four that I learned about were storge, eros, philia, agape. With storge love that is the kind of love that you have with your parents, only the love that a parent would have. Eros love is a more romantic kind of love, the kind that you would have with a significant other. Philia is a friendship kind of love, when asked "what is a friendship love?" what do you think of? I think of a friend that would do anything I asked of them and would support me and help guide me. The last type of love I learned about was Agape, this kind of love is the type is where you love them enough to correct them. Which I actually love that so much because the culture at least here in the United States is correcting someone is "bad" or "embarrassing" which most of the time it is done to help someone but a lot of things have become very sensitive which is a shame because we want to be our best selves and help others to be better. The other day i experienced that the apage kind of love and I didn't even know! Last week on of my really good guy friends was making some really annoying comments and just being really weird so when everyone left I texted him to let him know that some of the comments he made towards me were just not acceptable and it really just hurt my feeling because some of the things that he was saying were him making fun of my writing (which I am pretty insecure about and had been very open with him about it) so when I let him know he apologized a ton and let me know that he would never intentionally do that and he was so happy that I would let him know and to correct him or let him know every time something like that happens. I have always been so scared to confront someone because the people that I try to confront and express my feeling to, those situations always go soo badly and then also a combination of really not liking confrontation so with those two things it just really makes me nervous. But, with his response it made me think, if I didn't know I was hurting someone I would definitely want to know so then I could correct my behavior and then do better. Imagine hurting someone so much and not knowing and then possibly loosing a friendship or any type of relationship really because of it. Which is something that happens way more than it should. I am definitely guilty of that, I unfriended one of my high school best friends because of a miscommunication, which is so sad. Thankfully, YEARS later we reconnected and she is one of my best friends again. We think back to that time and laugh because it could have been fixed soooooo much sooner if we had talked about it. 


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