Week 5

Hello everyone!! We are here at week 5. Kind of crazy because this semester of school is going by so fast. This week I have been thinking a lot about dating. I have had a few boyfriends in my lifetime but it has never been that serious and one of my best friends and I were talking about like how we are going to know one day that the person we are dating is "the one". We were kind of talking about how we don't necessarily think that there is a specific person that we think is going to be "the one" but there is many ones and depending on the path we choose to take is when that special person at that moment is going to be there and the best person and option for us. In this little town in Idaho that I am living in is sooooo different that anything that I have experienced in my hometown of Mesa, Arizona. The dating culture is by far the biggest difference, meaning like most peoples goal is to be married here it feels like. In Arizona, people would date but at the singles ward it wasn't like anyone was looking for anything serious which of course it could have been that ward but it just wasn't the goal that everyone was really actively working towards but here in this little town it is a whole different story. But, also the dating culture is strange here in Idaho too because people tend to not ask people on "dates" as often but they are asking them to "hang out" because it makes it so there is way less pressure. With asking someone to hang out rather than asking them on a date it can make it very complicated because around a hang out there aren't really any boundaries but with a date there are some unspoken rules or boundaries that people know about and just know to go around those. I know so many guys that say they will never ask a girl on a date again and they just ask them to hang out because they don't want to be rejected. Which is so sad because I think there are so many benefits to be asked on a date. I think when both parties agree to go on the date it boosts confidence and it just feels good. Also, even if you are hesitant on going(of course if you have an extremely bad feeling, follow your gut) think about just giving that person a chance because it can benefit you in ways you don't even know and you can possible find that person that was meant for you. One of my good friends she was asked out by this guy and she came home and her parents were asking her how it went and she was like "ehhhh it was fun but probably won't go on a second date because I don't think I am interested" and her dad just told her "one more date, give him a chance". So, she went and when she got home from that date she said that she was going to marry him one day and now they are living their best lives together, married with two children. It is so crazy that we could be going out with that person that is meant for us and we don't even think to ask for the Lord's counsel and with my friend, her life could have been completely different and who knows where she would be now to this day. Dating is fun but also can be very complicated so we just need to stick it out and it will all workout how it is supposed to.


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