Week 11

Ahhhhhhhhhh everyone, this is my last week of class and I am kind of very sad that this semester is ending. I have met so many amazing people up here this semester and it honestly has made it so amazing. I am definitely going to miss this while I am home for the break. It is kind of strange to me to have so many people that I love so much and know that they love and care about me too and people that would do anything I asked for me and genuinely care. I have had many good friends in my life but it was a smaller amount and so having a big group is so awesome. This week in class we learned that people who are experiencing a lack in the contacts such as, physical contact, eye contact, and really any type of contact that is necessary for a person, it makes it so that person becomes obnoxious or just really does anything to try and receive that contact because a lot of times we reach out in weird ways when we don't know what we're needing and where we're lacking those things our brains just try to receive it in any way and it's like it's getting desperate so it's just kind of begging for help in a way. but, a lot of people don't know this and so they see these people being extremely obnoxious and they're just very turned off by that person not even in a romantic way that's not what I'm meaning by turned off but like just kind of want nothing to do with that person when it's just a cry for help. I had this one roommate and she was extremely sweet and awesome but once her and her boyfriend broke up she wasn't really receiving that contact that she was once getting from him and so she came to us and she started to do something that she had never done before like she would come up and just poke me and for some reason I very very strongly dislike being poked it just makes me uncomfortable and I think it's annoying because it hurts sometimes but so she was doing that and then also when we were in the car she would think it would be funny to turn the radio off in the middle of the song when that was never done before and I kind of was just talking to her about this and she wasn't really sure what she was doing and like why she was doing it and so we were talking and she was like just saying how like she feels like very sad and lacking those like well specifically like the physical contact so I had just learned how important and necessary that is for a person and it really all started to click and so that was very important for me to understand cause then that was a way that I could help her out and also help myself out because we don't need any of that happening just kidding but it was just very good to know so I could help her in a way that she needed me to be there for her. I learned something very interesting this week about how orphanages are actually banned an illegal in the US and I thought that was very interesting because I mean at least in the movies I don't know how it was back in the day before it was illegal but it would show just a house full of people lacking really in everything and so it's just so interesting to see how much the contacts can benefit and help someone.


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