Week 8

So much has happened this week! Thanksgiving is in like two weeks!!!!!!! isn't that so crazy?? I am so excited to be able to see my family and spend some time with them over that holiday weekend! my roommate who is also from Arizona, we decided that we are going to drive the full 13 hours home for Thanksgiving which I am super excited about but I'm also kindof dreading it because the thought of just taking a quick two hour flight sounds way more enticing but getting this time to bond more with my roommate who is also my best friend so spending time with her is always a good time but I'm very excited to go home! it also snowed so much here in Idaho this week which is so exciting because snow is just so magical and it's just so beautiful even though it's so cold I love it so much. I was told this week by someone that complaining was the adult way of crying. I was told to REALLY think about this. As I really pondered about it, I really learned how this is so true. I think that has become the case because I feel like the stereotype around men where they "shouldn't" cry because you "don't want to be a baby" or even worse for some people "don't be a girl" (which that one is so annoying and weird that it has even become a thing to bash on woman but whateves) but it has created this stigma where adults and mainly men can't cry or should not, which is ridiculous and creates a lot more problems internally and possibly slowly start to change who you are. I had a friend or actually I have a friend hahaha, who used to always tell me how her boyfriend would constantly complain about his job but when she would give him solutions that would easily fix those problems he would just kind of shut all of them down and it was very frustrating for her and I heard this this past week and I went to her and I told her this and she was completely shocked because it kind of all started to make sense for her because he was very prideful and wouldn't take that step of being vulnerable with her to express his emotions through crying, which not everyone completely expresses themselves through crying but we cry when our bodies are so filled with emotion and it just our bodies just can't take it anymore and so our body goes into shock per se but it just kind of doesn't know what to do and so it just starts to express and let the emotions out through crying. I was talking to one of my friends this past week about this scenario again but a different friend this time and he just started to complain a lot about how he was so hungry and stuff and I jokingly patted him on the shoulder and I'm like “you know complaining is the adult way of crying” and he was kind of caught off guard for a second and then he was like wait you are on to something that is so true because whenever I have these strong emotions or when I'm hungry I just start to complain a lot and it just kind of makes sense to me now that you say that and that was kind of the thought process I had when I was told this but not exactly because like of hunger but because I feel like we constantly hear our parents, roommates, or just anyone in our life really start to complain and they are just trying to tell you their feelings without necessarily crying about it which is kind of amazing that our bodies just know to do something like that.


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