Week 10

GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Thanksgiving was this week! It was so amazing, and I am so grateful that I was able to spend it with my family! I was able to go to a couple of my friends thanksgiving get together and I know I have said this before but it just amazes me every time to see how different and unique each family handles the holidays and seeing those different family dynamics. it is also super fun to be a part of my friends’ families and be considered a family member because it truly feels amazing but also brings in so much support that you don't realize you need until you need it. One of my best friends, roommate, and have known since high school and I drove down to Salt Lake City, Utah and flew home to Arizona from there so it was super awesome. I was really thinking about how men are portrayed on TV shows, movies and such and it really got me thinking about how they really have this terrible reputation. Not in all shows of course, but a lot of them, men are seen as dumb, always working, and sometimes the abusive one in the relationship. I know that many people do have experiences like this and so it can be relatable for some people when they watch these shows, but it honestly makes me so sad because I have had the completely opposite experience because I was raised by my dad, and he is the most amazing man and person I know. I have said this a billion times before, but my parents have been divorced since I was very young. Separated at 4 and officially divorced at 5, so my sister and I lived with our dad full time, which I feel like is pretty rare because most of the stories that you tend to hear are stories where the children go with the mother in those type of situations. Today I got to go on a hike with my family and it was actually super awesome and amazing however while we were hiking up because it was basically all uphill so as we were hiking up we somehow got very off the trail and we were scaling up the mountain which is kind of scary and we then realized oh this doesn't seem right because I had gone on the hike one time but it was about six years ago and all the people I was with had never been so it was really like it was all of our first times but so we're climbing up this mountain and it just really made me think how grateful I am 2 be surrounded by people who love me so much and truly care about me but also it helped me to realize that sometimes we can get lost on the path and end up somewhere far far far away where we did not even mean to go and we can see the path but it just seems so far away and like hard to get to but when we surrounded ourselves with people who truly love us and care about us it can make it so easy and enjoyable to get on that path because you know that they would never intentionally do something that would be bad for you and that is just so comforting to know. I just love being home and being able to see my friends that I truly love and to be able to see my family and hang out with my grandparents just really everything about being home is amazing but also since moving away I have truly gotten to appreciate family more than I knew I could.


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