
Showing posts from October, 2022

Week 6

Hey guys, the semester is almost half over!! That is so crazy! Up here in Idaho we just had the first snow of the year. Which for an Arizona girl, it was absolutely amazing to see the snow fall. It is just so magical. I am excited to see what this transition from fall to winter has in store for me. I have been thinking a lot about dating lately, just thinking about how it would be a good decision to take a break but honestly maybe I shouldn't and I should start to ask guys on dates. This week I also got to learn about the different types of love. The four that I learned about were storge, eros, philia, agape. With storge love that is the kind of love that you have with your parents, only the love that a parent would have. Eros love is a more romantic kind of love, the kind that you would have with a significant other. Philia is a friendship kind of love, when asked "what is a friendship love?" what do you think of? I think of a friend that would do anything I asked of the

Week 5

Hello everyone!! We are here at week 5. Kind of crazy because this semester of school is going by so fast. This week I have been thinking a lot about dating. I have had a few boyfriends in my lifetime but it has never been that serious and one of my best friends and I were talking about like how we are going to know one day that the person we are dating is "the one". We were kind of talking about how we don't necessarily think that there is a specific person that we think is going to be "the one" but there is many ones and depending on the path we choose to take is when that special person at that moment is going to be there and the best person and option for us. In this little town in Idaho that I am living in is sooooo different that anything that I have experienced in my hometown of Mesa, Arizona. The dating culture is by far the biggest difference, meaning like most peoples goal is to be married here it feels like. In Arizona, people would date but at the si


 Hey everyone! Week 4 of writing these blogs. You can probably tell by my writing but it really is not my forte haha. This week I was talking with a friend and we were discussing how males and females tend to express emotions differently and I got to experience that first hand this week. It was very interesting to see. So, back in January one of my best friends tragically passed away and it was and still is very hard for me. This week I had a very hard day and I guess I am not as good at hiding my emotions as I thought I was haha, because one of my friends pulled me to the side and asked if I was ok, and of course I said i was ok because I didn't to burden him with that. But, later that day he came over and I kind of just broke down and cried to him and told him what happened. I was crying so much and I hate crying in front of people because it makes me feel weak but it was so nice to just feel like i was heard and that someone could just listen. But, it was interesting to observe


          This week I had the privilege of going home to Arizona to visit family. it was so amazing because even though school just started like four weeks ago now actually maybe three weeks? I miss them a lot so when I get to see them it's very exciting for me. although, the worst part about visiting home is that it is way too far to drive so I usually fly which means when I get here, I have no car so I'm always scrambling to see if I can borrow someone's car to go do stuff while I'm here. While I was home, I got to see some of my cousins that I don't see very often so It's very interesting to see the different family dynamics and really just how different families function, or how children are being raised. for example, I was always raised that Sundays there would always be a family dinner. my grandparents have lived right next door to the house my family has grown in my whole life, therefore it made it easy to do dinners every Sunday. when my family was in to


 Well, we made it to week two! Today in class we talked about some very interesting things. It was probably one of my favorite classes so far. Something that my teacher said that really stuck out to me was “A really great family is not natural, it is supernatural, even divine”. I love that so much. I grew up with both parent apart of my life but they were divorced at a young age. My younger sister and I lived with our Dad full time and I think I have such an amazing family. When I heard this I could not agree with something more. Living with your father is not something that is normal but it has taught me so much.  My family has always lived right next door to my grandparents and my Aunt Mel lived right across the street. Every Sunday without a doubt(unless everyone was out of town), we would always gather for Sunday dinner and that is something is still continued to this day. Of course it is not as great now because the favorite grandchild and child has moved to Idaho (me) but I know