This week I had the privilege of going home to Arizona to visit family. it was so amazing because even though school just started like four weeks ago now actually maybe three weeks? I miss them a lot so when I get to see them it's very exciting for me. although, the worst part about visiting home is that it is way too far to drive so I usually fly which means when I get here, I have no car so I'm always scrambling to see if I can borrow someone's car to go do stuff while I'm here. While I was home, I got to see some of my cousins that I don't see very often so It's very interesting to see the different family dynamics and really just how different families function, or how children are being raised. for example, I was always raised that Sundays there would always be a family dinner. my grandparents have lived right next door to the house my family has grown in my whole life, therefore it made it easy to do dinners every Sunday. when my family was in town, they were shocked to see how close my immediate family was with my grandparents. they have lots of family that lives near them yet, they rarely see each other. Really the only time that they gather or really communicate is when someone needs something, so they only communicate when it's beneficial for them which I thought was so interesting because I'm so close with my grandparents, yet my cousins’ children are not close with my aunt and uncle which are there grandparents. just thinking about not being close with my grandparents is so weird just because we kind all go do things together like when it's someone's birthday, they get to choose what they want for their birthday dinner on Sunday and on the day of their birthday they get to choose what restaurant everyone goes out to, so we all just kind of do everything together. 

        Since moving up to college and getting to hear like some of the experiences that my roommates have with their family weather they come from a toxic background or very loving family one of the things I have found to be the most unique about my family is how close we all are. like I was telling my roommate how I tell my dad literally everything. anything that has happened in my life whether it's good, bad, and really every other emotion or situation he knows about and now moving away I'm coming to find out that that is very rare and definitely not something that happens within every family. My dad knows the most about me but really all of my family knows everything I talk with my grandparents to get their opinions on things, and I guess our family is just very good with communication and being understanding so it feels welcoming and you don't feel any judgment when getting their opinion or discussing a situation. 

        It is honestly quite amazing to see how other families function because everyone is so unique. in a family there are so many personalities and things that are going on, so it makes sense why but really getting into those deep thoughts it really messes with my mind haha. I was just talking about how oftentimes we take advantage of how good we have things sometimes. like I was blessed with such an amazing family which I am so grateful for but unfortunately that's not something that everyone can say and it's very important that we recognize that.


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