Well, we made it to week two! Today in class we talked about some very interesting things. It was probably one of my favorite classes so far. Something that my teacher said that really stuck out to me was “A really great family is not natural, it is supernatural, even divine”. I love that so much. I grew up with both parent apart of my life but they were divorced at a young age. My younger sister and I lived with our Dad full time and I think I have such an amazing family. When I heard this I could not agree with something more. Living with your father is not something that is normal but it has taught me so much. 

My family has always lived right next door to my grandparents and my Aunt Mel lived right across the street. Every Sunday without a doubt(unless everyone was out of town), we would always gather for Sunday dinner and that is something is still continued to this day. Of course it is not as great now because the favorite grandchild and child has moved to Idaho (me) but I know they will prevail. Just kidding of course, but when I facetime my family on Sunday I get so jealous to see them together. However, the reason I am bringing this all up is in class we were asked what kind of traditions we want in our family and i didn't really have to think that hard. It would one hundred percent be setting a tradition of having Sunday Dinners. I think that having this tradition make it much so much easier for my sister and I to be able to keep the sabbath day holy. We knew Sundays were Sunday dinner and we wanted to see our families so it was something that made that much easier. 

In class we also talked about unspoken "family rules". They are like things that you learn about when you are young or when you see a parent do something and you adapt that into your life. For example at Sunday dinners, it is like assigned seating but no one assigned it. One day we all sat there and it became the seat that would would always sit in and when someone tries to take that seat it is like "what the... move back to your spot". Another one is, whenever my sister and I go somewhere there is no questions asked, I am always going to drive. Once in awhile, (because I already know the answer) I will ask her to drive and sheesh, you would've though I asked her to do the hardest thing she has ever done in this life. It is kinda funny but then it usually ends with a "no" so then we just go and get in my car. Another one that my sister actually helped me think of was of course at Sunday dinners again haha, my grandpa would always get to choose who was saying the prayer. He always go in order and remembers who said it the last week so it would be pretty evened out but he always says "hmmmm who wants to say the prayer? I think ... does" and while he says that he makes that eye contact and you just know haha.

We also discussed if there was a brick would with a fence with spikes around it, a super cute house with candy and no fence, or a cute house with a white fence that was only about waist height, which would you choose? I think I would choose the white fence because it is very inviting and cute but it also lets people know that there are boundaries. Which is how we should be with people, we are all going through life and going through different things and it is important that we are kind and inviting with them but also we create those boundaries.


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