
Showing posts from September, 2022

the first of many

     Hello Everyone! I created this blog for the Family Relations class. It is kinda exciting but also very nerve-racking. I am from Mesa, Arizona and am currently going to BYU-I. Being an Arizona girl, I had never seen snow fall or even been in negative degree weather until I moved up here last January and I love it soooooo much. I am currently a Marriage and Family Studies major and I am loving my classes so much. I am wanting to be a Marriage and Family Therapist so this definitely the major for me. I wanted to talk a little bit about the dating culture and how marriage is these days.      In my intro to family studies class, we talked about how the dating culture is so strange these days. We talked about how people aren't really going out on dates anymore. Instead, it goes more like do you want to hang out and then after that you ask them on a date. We were asked why we thought that was, a few of the female student explained that there is so much pressure around the word "
 Hi everyone! I am Alexandria Walton and this blog is for my FAML 160 class.